Bygones: Officials battled Brule lamprey in 1984

A look back at local news from years past.


News-Tribune, Sept. 9, 1924 An ordinance that would allow the licensing of penny arcades in Duluth will be introduced at the next City Council meeting. The ordinance restricts hours of operation and prohibits women from working in the establishments.

News-Tribune, Sept. 9, 1954 ADVERTISEMENT An accident insurance policy for Duluth public school students is being made available. The policies will cover accidents in school, on the way to or from school, on school trips and during school activities, including athletics.

News-Tribune & Herald, Sept. 9, 1984 A barrier is being built on the Brule River in Wisconsin to keep invasive sea lamprey from swimming upstream from Lake Superior while still allowing migrating trout to move upstream to spawn. News Tribune, Sept.

9, 2004 After 28 years, Saw-Mill Unpainted Furniture is going out of business at 120 W. Superior St. in downtown Duluth.

Owner Dick Pelinka, 51, has decided to retire. He has been the sole owner since 1979..