Prominent businessman Boby Chemmanur was taken into custody on Wednesday by a Special Investigation Team (SIT) investigating the sexual harassment case filed by Malayalam actress Honey Rose, official sources said on Monday. He was taken into custody from Wayanad, a police officer with the Kochi City Police confirmed. A Special Investigation Team (SIT), led by the Circle Inspector of Kochi Central Station, was constituted to investigate the allegations of sexual harassment filed by the actress against Chemmanur, a jeweller.
Chemmanur was booked under non-bailable sections following Rose’s complaint..
Businessman Boby Chemmanur taken into custody by SIT in sexual harassment case
Prominent businessman Boby Chemmanur was taken into custody on Wednesday by a Special Investigation Team (SIT) investigating the sexual harassment case filed by Malayalam actress Honey Rose, official sources said on Monday. He was taken into custody from Wayanad, a police officer with the Kochi City Police confirmed. A Special Investigation Team (SIT), led by [...]