Businesses urged to back cancer pledge ahead of Bolton News Business Awards

Bolton Council and The Bolton News are calling on local employers to sign up to a life-saving cancer pledge.


Bolton Council and the Bolton News are calling on local employers to sign up to a life-saving cancer pledge. “Bee Seen, Get Screened” is a Greater Manchester initiative that encourages employers to allow their employees paid time off or the provision of flexible working to attend NHS cancer screening appointments. Organisations are also urged to share information with their staff on the importance of getting screened.

The NHS has three screening programmes covering breast, cervical and bowel cancer. Screening is once every two, three or five years depending on age, and one appointment can save lives by catching cancers early. Businesses also benefit from reduced absence, increased retention and a workforce that feels more valued.

As headline sponsors of this year’s Bolton News Business Awards , Bolton Council is calling on employers across the borough to sign up to the “Bee Seen Get Screened” pledge. An information stall will be available during the awards night where businesses can find out more on Friday, September 20. Bolton Council’s Executive Cabinet Member for Health and Well-being, councillor Sean Fielding, said: “Cancer screening is really important, but appointments can often be missed due to work commitments.

“I am very proud that Bolton Council is already signed up to ‘Bee Seen, Get Screened’, but we need as many employers as possible to do the same. “Businesses that make this pledge send a clear message that they support the NHS and are invested in the wellbeing of their staff.” Employers can make the “Bee Seen, Get Screened” pledge, by contacting info@answercancergm.