Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will present the eighth budget of her consecutive term. There are expectations that she will soon give relief to the middle-class taxpayers. Since 2019, she has changed over from the traditional red leather briefcase to the ceremonial red "bahi-khata," and in recent years, the government has adopted a paperless budget presentation format.
: The Union Budget 2025, therefore, will present a fiscal consolidation plan, focus on infrastructure expenditure, and create an economic growth trajectory for post-election India..
Budget 2025: From GDP to fiscal deficit to GST, here are key numbers to be watched
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will present the eighth budget of her consecutive term. There are expectations that she will soon give relief to the middle-class taxpayers. Since 2019, she has changed over from the traditional red leather briefcase to the ceremonial red "bahi-khata," and in recent years, the government has adopted a paperless budget presentation format.