Filmmaker Brady Corbet said his "heart is with Aubrey Plaza" after the tragic death of her husband Jeff Baena as he accepted the Golden Globe Award for best director. During the 82nd annual Golden Globes director Corbet was awarded the prestigious 'best director' award for his work on the historical drama The Brutalist. And as the filmmaker took the stage, he took a moment to pay a loving tribute to Aubrey and the loss of her partner Jeff, who was also a gifted director.
At the end of his acceptance speech, Corbet said: "Finally, tonight my heart is with Aubrey Plaza and Jeff's family." This is a live TV story. We'll be bringing you the very latest updates, pictures and video on this TV story.
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BREAKING: The Brutalist director pays tribute to Aubrey Plaza's husband after death as he accepts Golden Globe
This is a live TV story. We'll be bringing you the very latest updates, pictures and video on this TV story.