Blenders Are Annoyingly Loud, But This Trick Helps Quiet The Sound

If your blender is so loud that you can't even hear yourself think, there's actually a pretty simple trick you can try to quiet the noise and blend in peace.


A blender is an amazing time-saving tool for any kitchen. However, many potential users are put off by the noise a blender makes while doing its job. Luckily, the tool to reduce blender loudness is already in your kitchen.

To fulfill your dream of making or without enduring sensory overload, simply place a kitchen towel underneath your blender. A dish towel works so well for this task because it's able to absorb excess noise in a way that the blender itself can't due to its ventilated design. A towel also helps to decrease any sound vibration generated by the blender contacting the kitchen countertop.

Just make sure that any towel used isn't blocking the vents the blender needs open for its motor to continue operating safely. Also, position the towel in a manner that won't cause the blender to wobble when it's turned on. Why blenders are so loud A blender requires a good amount of horsepower to generate enough blade momentum to cut through harder veggies and ice cubes.

The blender's motor can't operate correctly without proper airflow, so the blender must have vented openings around the motor. Otherwise, the motor would not cool down appropriately, and could lead to its malfunctioning, or even cause the blender to catch fire. Since the motor can't be covered up, its sound is not muffled.

Another issue is built into the design of any kitchen. Kitchens, like the blender motor, must be built with appropriate ventilation to keep its users safe. This leads to layouts that don't provide an adequate buffer for acoustics.

Plus, the types of surfaces and tiles used in kitchens tend to make sounds reverberate, since they're typically hollow materials. Simply put, the sound from a blender gets amplified in environments that can't have noise control for safety reasons. Your blender can also become louder over time because of the natural wear and tear on the blades and motor.

Additionally, food built up on the blades can amplify racket by forcing them to work harder to cut through the blender's contents. To keep all parts functioning smoothly, be sure to frequently and . Recommended.