Shiv Sena (UBT) leader Sanjay Raut on Saturday claimed the Nitish Kumar-led Janata Dal (United) will not stay with the National Democratic Alliance as the BJP was trying to woo 10 MPs of his party. The BJP was stabbing an ally in the back in Bihar, he alleged. "The BJP is in alliance with Nitish Kumar in Bihar.
It has started the work of poaching 10 JD(U) MPs. So Nitish Kumar is feeling uneasy. I have doubts if he will stay in the NDA," Raut said.
It was unlikely that the JD(U) will contest the 2025 Bihar assembly polls as part of the NDA, he added. The JD(U) has 12 MPs in the Lok Sabha which are crucial to the NDA government given that the BJP does not have a majority on its own in the Lower House of Parliament..