Bill locking the clock on standard time in OK passes committee

As we prepare to spring forward and move our clocks one hour ahead this weekend, there is a push to end Daylight Saving Time in Oklahoma.


OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) — As we prepare to spring forward and move our clocks one hour ahead this weekend, there is a push to end Daylight Saving Time in Oklahoma.Springing forward and falling back is something Oklahomans have been doing for decades, but Rep. Kevin West (R-Moore) says it's time to stop changing the clocks.

Oklahoma lawmaker calls for Congressional action on permanent Daylight Saving Time"Everybody that I have talked to really hates having to spring forward, fall back, so the way that you can lock the clock with the way this federal law is written is to stay on standard time," said Rep. West.His new bill would undo the trigger bill passed last year by Governor Kevin Stitt, making daylight saving time permanent.

The problem is, that it cannot go into effect, unless Congress gives the states the power to do so.However, making standard time permanent does not need federal approval, so Rep. West says why wait?"I know that there's a lot of people that want to stay on daylight saving time year round, but that's just not possible, so really we have two options: we can stay on standard year round or we can continue to change the clocks twice a year," said Rep.

West.The bill passed out of committee on Thursday, but some did vote against it."The reality is there are mental health consequences to people not seeing enough, enough light and in a place like Oklahoma where the sun shines nicely a lot of the year, I want as many folks to be able to enjoy that after work as possible," said Rep.

Forrest Bennett (D-Oklahoma City).West believes there are benefits to adopting standard time year round."It will be brighter in the morning hours and much safer, people are able to wake up, it also aligns closer to solar time," said Rep.

West.Other states like Hawaii, Arizona, and U.S.

territories have locked the clock on standard time.The bill now moves forward for a chance to be heard on the House floor.For now, we will continue to spring forward this Sunday, losing an hour.
