Investigations revealed that an excess payment of Rs 26 crore was paid to a contractor who was engaged in the expansion and strengthening of Gaya-Bhinds-Chamandih-Vazirganj and Tapovan road, Deputy CM claimed. Patna: Bihar Deputy Chief Minister Vijay Kumar Sinha attacked RJD leader Tejashwi Yadav, claiming that large-scale irregularities had taken place in awarding contracts while the opposition leader was holding key portfolios like road construction department (RCD) in the Mahagathbandhan government around 10 years ago. Sinha, who currently holds the same portfolio, on Tuesday alleged that during the RJD-led government which lasted two years from 2015, excess bills related to certain contracts were paid without verifying the details.
The ‘Mahagthbandhan’ formed as a result of a short-lived alliance between Chief Minister Nitish Kumar’s JD (U) and RJD headed by Yadav’s father Lalu Prasad, had swept the assembly polls of 2015. Yadav, who had then made an electoral debut was inducted into the cabinet and made the deputy CM, a post he held till Kumar’s abrupt exit from the alliance in July 2017. “Massive irregularities were committed while awarding contracts of the RCD during that period.
RJD leader and former deputy chief minister Tejashwi Yadav was also holding the portfolio of RCD then,” Sinha told reporters. Investigations revealed that an excess payment of Rs 26 crore was paid to a contractor who was engaged in the expansion and strengthening of Gaya-Bhinds-Chamandih-Vazirganj and Tapovan road, he claimed. “A thorough investigation has been ordered into the matter.
Those who protected the erring contractor will not be spared,” the deputy CM said adding that the process to black-list that contractor was initiated. RJD leaders are known for their corrupt practices, he alleged. Responding to the allegation, RJD’s Bihar unit spokesperson Mrityunjay Tiwary claimed that BJP leaders are scared of Tejashwi Yadav.
"The Mahagathbandhan government did a lot of people-friendly works and took major decisions concerning people. The RJD is not scared of any probe. Let them (NDA government) do whatever they want to," Tiwary said.
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Bihar Deputy CM Alleges Rs 26 Crore Scam In Road Contracts During RJD Rule; Party Fires Back
Investigations revealed that an excess payment of Rs 26 crore was paid to a contractor who was engaged in the expansion and strengthening of Gaya-Bhinds-Chamandih-Vazirganj and Tapovan road, Deputy CM claimed.