Big tech’s political influence on debate and public watchdogs - Bryce Edwards’ Political Roundup

OPINION: The charity Netsafe is increasingly regarded as NZ’s 'internet police'.


THREE KEY FACTS Kiwi kids are spending about a third of after-school time on screens , a research reveals. Australian PM supports calls to limit children’s access to social media, NZ PM Luxon says he is open to looking at social media minimum age proposals . Banning kids from social media would just push any problems underground , according to Netsafe CEO.

Dr Bryce Edwards is Political Analyst in Residence, director of the Democracy Project , School of Government, Victoria University of Wellington. OPINION The charity Netsafe is increasingly regarded as New Zealand’s “internet police”, or at least the leading authority on everything related to regulation and the dangers of the internet. It’s a well-deserved reputation, but there are also questions about whether it is being tainted by its financial reliance on big tech companies.
