Bengaluru: A 28-year-old man, who avoided a group of his friends involved in criminal activities and got another acquaintance to keep away from them, was assaulted with weapons at Somasandrapalya ground in broad daylight on Wednesday. Om Prakash, a resident of Yashodamma Layout in Kudlu, told police in his complaint that he was friends with Shivu alias Jopadi, Rahul, Ganesh, Giri, and Touhid. But when they began indulging in anti-social activities and instilled fear among the public by roaming around with weapons, he started avoiding them.
Meanwhile, cops booked a couple of cases against the gang, including for preparation for dacoity. Prakash also told one of his friends, Harish, to stay away from them. Rahul and Shivu learnt about this and suspected Prakash was a police informer.
The gang spotted Prakash around 3.30pm in Somasandrapalya. Shivu and Touhid forcibly took him to the ground, where Ganesh, Giri, Rahul and others were present.
Prakash was hit with machetes on his left elbow and leg. The gang also threw stones at him and hit him on the head with a beer bottle before fleeing. "Prakash is out of danger and is undergoing treatment," a senior police officer said.
"We've registered a case at Bandepalya police station under BNS Sections 109 (attempt to murder), 351 (criminal intimidation), and 352 (intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of peace). A couple of the accused were detained Friday, and efforts are on to nab the others," the officer added..