BBC Radio 1 star mortified as her mum interrupts live show with bedroom confession

The presenters of BBC Radio One's Going Home with Vick, Katie and Jamie thought they'd come up with a cheeky, but safe topic of discussion – until one of their mums entered the chat


Explaining racy jokes or memes to older relatives can sometimes be a little awkward. But every now and then, an older relative can come out with shocking revelations of their own. BBC presenters Vick Hope , Katie Thistleton and Jamie Laing realised they’d bitten off a little more than they could chew his week when they invited listeners to call in to their Radio 1 show with their “explaining rude phrases to parents” stories.

The conversation started safely enough, with listeners explaining how they had to come up with “parent safe” explanations for songs such as Megan Thee Stallion ’s WAP. Katie admitted: "We can’t read most of your messages out but we’re enjoying them.” But then Vick’s mum entered the chat.

She first texted in: "Can't believe it's taken you so long to work out [that the older generation pretend they don't understand sex references], we're all playing with you." And a few moments later she messaged again, leaving Vick horrified. She told listeners: “My mum’s just texted.

She knows that because she's got one shout-out now, about working out, that our parents are just playing with us. She’s said: 'Also, we did sex before and after you were all born'.” As Katie shrieked that Vick’s mum had “taken it too far,” her co-presenter remained in denial, insisting that her parents “did it once, to have me.

They didn’t need to do it after that.” Jamie chipped in with a little bit of TMI from his own mum, saying: “She phoned me up the other day and said ‘Darling, my libido’s gone’. All the parents have gone mad!” Mercifully, at least the younger generation still have their innocence.

One listened texted in to reveal: “I had to explain to my 12-year-old daughter she hasn't invented a new word after she had been jogging with the dog.” It took Vick a few moments to decode the text, before she realised that the “new word” the girl had invented had been “dogging.” She went on to add that her young niece had been singing along to Rihanna ’s S&M, seemingly oblivious to the song’s extremely racy theme.

Finally, Vick provided us all with a “get out of jail free” card for those moments when parents have spotted us going a little too far on social media. She explained: “If I shared a meme that was a bit rude, or if I swore or something, My mum would ring me and say ‘I think you've been hacked’” We may not have been hacked, but that’s certainly the excuse we’ll be trotting out from now on..