Back To Basics: Staying Secure Doesn't Have To Be Complicated

Here are three essential steps to help people understand, adopt and maintain strong security habits.


Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin Jeff Shiner is CEO (chief eliminator of obstacles) at 1Password . getty In cybersecurity, we’re all too aware that bad actors are getting more sophisticated, using emerging technologies like generative AI to launch even more convincing phishing attacks. Today, 68% of breaches still involve the human element, such as falling for socially engineered phishing attacks, reusing passwords across multiple accounts or using weak, computer-guessable passwords.

This suggests that many people are still unaware of the risks associated with poor cybersecurity habits in their daily lives. So, how can we solve this? Security is largely a human issue; however, our industry has a long history of attempting to address it with software solutions. This approach hasn’t effectively prevented data breaches and identity theft, nor has it kept us ahead of today’s ever more sophisticated cybercriminals.

Industry leaders are responsible for ensuring that businesses and individuals worldwide have the right resources and knowledge to adopt and maintain a stronger security posture. Making Security Simple There’s a common misconception that security must be cumbersome to be effective. Although a tedious login process might seem like a sign of robust security, it often just adds friction to the user experience.

This frustration can cause people to abandon good cybersecurity habits, prioritizing productivity over security. People naturally strive to be efficient, and when security measures hinder that, they’re more likely to cut corners or find workarounds. However, tools that automatically apply software patches, simplify the creation and storage of unique passwords, and enable secure sharing of credentials can help businesses and individuals maintain essential security practices without sacrificing convenience.

In our experience, designing solutions with a people-first approach results in employees being more likely to adopt and stick with strong security practices in the long run. MORE FOR YOU Google Chrome Deadline—You Have 72 Hours To Update Your Browser Hackers Force Chrome Users To Hand Over Google Passwords, Here’s How Today’s NYT Mini Crossword Clues And Answers For Monday, September 16th Making Security Relatable Instilling good habits takes time, and awareness leads to action. Back in the day, not everyone buckled up as soon as they got in the car.

I’m old enough to remember when wearing a seat belt was something only overly cautious people did. It took a lot of effort from advocates to raise awareness that seatbelts save lives, and eventually, it became second nature for everyone. Similarly, it will take time for people to understand the importance of cybersecurity in their daily lives.

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render(randId); }); })(); There are plenty of stories about ransomware attacks and data breaches in the news, and once people realize that simple actions within their control can prevent these issues, they’re more likely to change their behavior. We have to meet people where they are in the market to drive this change. One of the ways a company can amplify its reach is through strategic partnerships—especially with organizations that share core values.

Something we’ve recently explored at 1Password is sponsoring the PGA TOUR's 2024 Presidents Cup, which gives us a way to highlight cybersecurity best practices among millions of viewers in a compelling and meaningful way. Championing Strong Security Habits At 1Password, we believe it’s our responsibility to raise awareness about the identity security risks that businesses and individuals face today. Here are three essential steps to help people understand, adopt and maintain strong security habits.

Master the basics first. It’s easy to be drawn toward new, innovative technology that promises enhanced security, but the fundamentals matter most. Before addressing complexities, first focus on simple yet crucial habits like avoiding password reuse or writing credentials down on paper.

Foundational cybersecurity best practices need to be rock solid before you layer on more complex tools or processes. Prioritize ongoing security education. It’s crucial to understand that the path to identity security is ongoing, not static.

A “set it and forget it” approach isn’t enough, especially in a world where the threat landscape is constantly evolving. Talk about security openly and frequently at work. Regular reminders about securing sensitive information, along with updates on tools that can help, are crucial to stay one step ahead.

Integrate security into daily processes. Most people don’t start their day thinking, “How do I want to authenticate today?” The more we can weave security into everyday routines and technology, without adding unnecessary friction, the more likely people are to adopt and maintain secure behaviors in the long run. The Balancing Act Addressing the growing cybersecurity challenge is all about finding the right balance.

People must understand how cybersecurity affects their daily lives and need simple, straightforward solutions to protect themselves effectively. Forbes Technology Council is an invitation-only community for world-class CIOs, CTOs and technology executives. Do I qualify?.