BACK ROADS BILL Water control mega projects of yesteryear

This week Bill looks damming at those mega-dam projects of the past


In the past the idea was to just about dam everything. Did you know they were going to create a sixth “man-made” Great Lake? Other than Lake Nipigon and beyond. You always wonder who “they” are? We don’t know much about “them,” but two other mega hydro projects did evolve, significantly raising the water level of the Great Lakes.

One of these projects is a water control dam much wider than the famed Hoover Dam on the border of Nevada/Arizona. The other scheme created an erosion-plagued reservoir twice the size of PEI. Today they would never be allowed to occur.

But “back in the day” it was in the name of economic progress and there were costs to pay socially and environmentally. We don’t know much about these mammoth projects. For orientation first see the map to see where all of this happened.

You can visit the water control dams, (two require more effort), and drive directly to the related damage firsthand. And note the identified water control structures have no turbines for power generation. These dams – one each at the end of the reservoirs, strategically located by elevation - are like valves controlling much water flowing over the height of land south, and little water flowing north as it should naturally.

Mega projects in northern Ontario. The Great Lakes Water Wars , (Chapter Six) by Peter Annin has been called the definitive work on the Great Lakes water diversion controversy. A veteran conflict and environmental journalist, Peter Annin spent m.