The employees ofthe State Security Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairscarried out joint complex measures in the territory of the Republicof Azerbaijan to identify terrorist provocative actions andsuppress illegal activities of members of radical religiousextremist groups associated with international terroristorganizations, the joint statement of the State Security Serviceand the Ministry of Internal Affairs said, Trend reports. “As a result of conducted operational and investigativemeasures, it was established that previously convicted forparticipation in the activities of the terrorist group “ForestBrothers” (“Meşə qardaşları”) Gadir Hajiyev entered into criminalties with residents of Gusar district - Kamran Kerimkhanov, UmudGulaliyev, Valerik Adilov, Riyad Safaraliyev, Rovshan Lachinov,Nazim Zakiyev, and others. In addition, it was established that they had jointly preparedterrorist acts in the territory of the Gusar district, createdunderground shelters in the forest area comprising the villages ofKhil, Jibir, and Yasab in that district, and supplied thoseshelters with ammunition, explosives, technical devices, and othernecessary supplies.
Initially, following the location of a member of the group,Alipasha Kamilov, an operation was conducted to involve him in theinvestigation. During the operation, in a hidden location in thetown of Gusar, Kamilov put up armed resistance to the specialforces by throwing two RPG-78 grenades. As a result, one of thespecial forces officers was wounded, and Alipasha Kamilov wasneutralized.
As a result of ongoing operational search and investigativemeasures, secret hideouts were discovered in a wooded area near thevillage of Jibir, where members of an illegal armed group - GadirHajiyev, Riyad Safaraliyev, Valerik Adilov, and Umud Gulaliyev -were hiding. Those who put up armed resistance were destroyed bythe use of explosive devices. During an inspection of the shelters found, peat, acetone,detonators, remote-controlled explosive devices, rebar and leadparts used as shrapnel, two Kalashnikov assault rifles, threehunting rifles, ammunition and bullets for the rifles, and a flagbearing the symbol of an illegal armed group recognized as aninternational terrorist organization were seized.
Moreover, the immediate measures taken found that Nazim Zakiyev,one of the members of the terrorist group, was hiding on a farmnear the village of Khil and that Kamran Kerimkhanov and RovshanLachinov were hiding on the territory of the village of Khil. Theywere neutralized when they offered armed resistance to lawenforcement officers. The investigation revealed details and evidence concerning thecircle of persons involved in the criminal organization, itsorganizational structure, equipment, and plans.
Etibar Ahmadov, who had illegally obtained ammonium nitrate,flammable peat, detonators, and flame-conducting cords, used themto make improvised explosive devices and hid them in the motelguest house in the town of Gusar and on the roof of a nearby carwash. While continuing his activities, Akhmedov was injured whenthese devices exploded. Also, reasonable suspicions were revealed about theparticipation of residents of Gusar district Sharafeddin Mahmudov,Etibar Ahmadov, and others in the activities of an armed formationnot provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan,including equipping this armed formation with explosives and othersupplies.
Members of the above-mentioned criminal group - Etibar Ahmadov,Ragim Mirzabekov, David Rashidov, Sharafeddin Makhmudov, AbugulBabaev, and Elchin Alirzaev were prosecuted under Articles 28,214.2.1, 28, 214.
2.3, and 28, 214.2.
6 (preparation for terrorismmotivated by religious enmity, religious radicalism, and religiousfanaticism with the use of firearms and objects used as weapons, inthe form of a criminal group (criminal organization)) and otherarticles of the Criminal Code of the AR. By court decision, ameasure of restraint in the form of arrest was chosen againstthem. Currently, investigative and operational activities in criminalcases continue.