Axe-wielding robber threatens shopkeeper before brave wife fights back

This is the terrifying moment an axe-wielding thug storms into a shop and attacks the owner before his wife bravely fights back. The robber barged into Weston News in Worcester at around 2.30pm last Thursday (6/2). CCTV shows the shopkeeper standing at the door when the thug bursts in brandishing a fire axe. Incredibly, as he pushed the terrified shopkeeper towards the till, the victim’s wife confronted the robber. Footage shows her using her bare hands to try and shove the crazed axe man while protecting her husband. At one point the violent crook holds a blade against the shopkeeper’s throat while demanding cash from the till. After stuffing wads of notes into his pocket, the crook fled on foot.


This is the terrifying moment an axe-wielding thug storms into a shop and attacks the owner before his wife bravely fights back. The robber barged into Weston News in Worcester at around 2.30pm last Thursday (6/2).

CCTV shows the shopkeeper standing at the door when the thug bursts in brandishing a fire axe. Incredibly, as he pushed the terrified shopkeeper towards the till, the victim’s wife confronted the robber. Footage shows her using her bare hands to try and shove the crazed axe man while protecting her husband.

At one point the violent crook holds a blade against the shopkeeper’s throat while demanding cash from the till. After stuffing wads of notes into his pocket, the crook fled on foot..