Online grocery shopping has become the norm for many reasons, but time-saving convenience is arguably the biggest. You don't have to panic and make hurried trips to the supermarket for every ingredient you forgot to get for your pastalaya ( a recipe that combines pasta and jambalaya ). While undeniably convenient, buying all your groceries online might not be ideal.
Daily Meal spoke to Alli Powell, owner of Grocery Getting Girl , to get some insights into things you should avoid purchasing online to hedge your bets. "Produce is always hit or miss when bought online because the shopper may not pay attention to detail the way you would," she revealed. "You might receive produce that you wouldn't have picked yourself, which is why this can be a risky purchase.
" You've probably experienced the disappointment of finding waxy, underripe bananas or overripe, mushy tomatoes delivered at your doorstep. Picking your own produce can also help you determine the quality of your fruits and vegetables (by smelling them) since food odors provide information about the nutrient composition of what you're purchasing. Shopping yourself also means you can look out for red flags in the produce department .
Another grocery item Powell advises against buying online is certain cuts of meat. "I wouldn't recommend buying pricier cuts of meat for this same reason. When you're spending more on food, you want to ensure you're getting the best quality, and you can't do that with an online experience.
" The best supermarkets for online grocery shopping (and which to avoid) While buying produce or expensive cuts of meat online can be hit or miss, some grocery stores may have more reliable shoppers and items that make it less risky. We asked Alli Powell if there are any specific supermarkets she feels are better in this context. "Kroger, Costco, and Instacart are all easy to use with good experiences for the user," she said.
"With these retailers, you usually know what to expect and can count on comparable substitutions, fresh produce, and attentive virtual shoppers." But even when buying from stores considered exemplary for online shopping, it's best to stay informed about the latest developments. For instance, many customers feel some Kirkland Signature items at Costco aren't as good anymore , including its orange juice and nuts, so you may want to skip adding them to your cart.
Powell also believes it might be best to avoid some supermarkets that may be making decisions for you that can impact your budget. She revealed, "Amazon/Whole Foods is known for selecting replacements without giving the shopper an opportunity to approve or deny, and seems to have higher prices than most retailers.".