Australian paranormal YouTuber buys UK's 'most haunted house' in north Essex

The Cage, in Colchester Road, St Osyth, has been bought by Amy's Crypt, a popular paranormal investigator who posts on YouTube.


AN Australian Youtuber who explores paranormal places around the world has bought what has been dubbed Britain's most haunted house - the Cage in St Osyth. The building has been bought by Amy's Crypt. Amy is a "paranormal investigator" who posts on YouTube and has more than 300,000 subscribers.

Amy revealed the news in a livestreamed video with husband Jarrad where they answered fans' questions. In the video Amy said: "There are a lot of stories associated with this place with ghosts and the paranormal and there are so many different types of paranormal activities that have happened here. "Things like people seeing shadows, people being physically touched, physical sensations, cold spots, full body apparitions.

"One of the most prevalent things is that nobody can stay in this house for very long so it sells every couple of years like clockwork, which was true when we bought it because the previous owner had it for four years." The couple plan to renovate the house and make it a "safe place for spirits" and preserve the history of the building - especially about the women who were hanged for witchcraft. Amy said in her Q&A video: "If we have people come through I can't promise a ghost does something for you, but I can promise that we have done our best to make this a welcoming place where you can come and learn about history and get something out of the experience that is worthwhile.

" Haunted - The Cage in St Osyth (Image: Home Domus 360) The earliest part of the cottage - known as the Cage - was used to hold prisoners accused of witchcraft. A plaque on the side of the house describes the plight of Ursula Kemp, a St Osyth woman called upon by her neighbours to heal ailments and sickness. She was accused, tried and found guilty of witchcraft, and was hanged in 1582.

Men, women and children were detained in the Cage until 1908. Vanessa Mitchell, the owner of the house between 2004 and 2020, fled the house after claiming she was physically attacked by spirits. She said ghostly figures plagued her, pushed her over while pregnant and she even witnessed mysterious blood splatters appear.

The cottage has since earned the title of one of the UK's most haunted houses. For more information about Amy's purchase, watch the video at

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