Aspen hotels hum along with 70.3% occupancy in August

Report shows Snowmass also had higher rate last month


The Hotel Jerome on Main Street is shown in this 2023 file photo. Lodges in Aspen had an occupancy rate of 70.3% in August, an improvement over the 66.

9% rate in August 2023, according to a report issued this week. Overnight bookings in Aspen accounted for an occupancy rate of 70.3% in August, topping the 66.

9% rate posted in August 2023, according to a report issued on Tuesday. The report also showed the occupancy rate in neighboring resort town Snowmass Village rose from 48.4% in August 2023 to 55.

9% in the most recent August. Aspen and Snowmass Village combined for an overall paid occupancy rate of 63.3% last month, a 9.

8% increase over 57.6% in August 2023. Those figures and others were unveiled in the monthly reservations activity report, a collaboration of Aspen Skiing Co.

, Aspen Chamber Resort Association and Snowmass Tourism. The most recent report is based on bookings through Aug. 31.

Western resort data provider DestiMetrics compiles the data. September in Aspen is shaping up to be better than last year. Bookings are lagging behind in Snowmass, according to the report.

As of Aug. 31, Aspen was sitting on a 52.1% occupancy rate for September, topping the 49.

7% rate posted in September 2023. Snowmass had an occupancy rate of 31.4% heading into September, down from 38% from September 2023.

Combined, the two ski towns started September with 42.3% occupancy, lightly behind the 43.8% mark in September last year.

Autumn sightseers could boost this month’s figures, according to the report’s summary. “If Mother Nature cooperates, our leaf-peeping visitation should bolster September’s end-of-month performance,” the summary said. Looking ahead, the report shows Aspen and Snowmass running a combined 5% behind on bookings from November through February compared to the same period last year.

The biggest drop-off is December’s occupancy rate, which lags 13.6% behind December 2023, while February is showing the biggest surge over the same month last year — up 6.2%.

“It’s common in a U.S. presidential election to pace behind and the sales and marketing teams around the community are rallying to make up the gaps with some special initiatives launching soon,” the summary said.

The winter lineup of on-mountain events also is a “huge win for the community and will drive occupancy where needed,” said the summary, noting that the Winter X Games return Jan. 23-25, in addition to the Toyota U.S.

Grand Prix and Visa Big Air from Jan. 30 through Feb. 6 and the debut of snowboarding legend Shaun White’s The Snow League on March 7-8.

Buttermilk Ski Area will be the venue for all three events..