Ask an expert: My wife has developed unattractive wrinkles that put me off sex - what should she do?

Telegraph: A man finds it hard to be honest about his wife’s ageing face.


Dear Rachel, My wife and I have been together for more than 50 years. She is an amazing person; kind, passionate, caring and fun to be with. Our relationship has moved on from what you call the swinging from the chandeliers stage and has settled into occasional sexual encounters which we still enjoy greatly.

This may sound like a perfect situation for people well into their 70s but there is a problem. She has developed very deep, unattractive facial wrinkles. I have a problem with this and whenever she comes to me with a certain twinkle in her eyes, I just close my eyes and think of England.

This may make me seem uncaring and superficial, but I know that she is unhappy with the situation as she spends a fortune on lotions and serums, none of which actually do anything. I am interested to know what, if anything, can be done to reduce the severity of these wrinkles . I am sure we could afford it.

I am not harping back to her teenage years but a reduction of the problem would help. We are normally able to discuss anything but I do not know how to broach this subject. Any advice would be appreciated.

– Anon Dear Anon,.