When is it too late to reveal that you’re deep into an office romance ? Q. I have been dating a man who works at the same company as I do since 2021. Our relationship has since developed, and it has been almost three years now.
We love and trust each other, and we have decided to get married next year. For the past three years, I have kept the fact that I have a boyfriend a secret from my co-workers, even my close ones. There are several reasons for this, but the biggest are that I didn’t want to be the subject of office gossip, and I wanted to avoid the potential awkwardness in case we broke up.
During this time, some co-workers have suggested that I meet their single friends. Sometimes I feel guilty, as I realise that I may have deceived people who truly care about me. Now, as the time has come to openly acknowledge my relationship, I’m feeling anxious and unsure.
Do you have any advice for me? - Anonymous.