Annual Agribusiness Expo is Dec. 2-3 in Fargo

The North Dakota Agricultural Association will host the Annual Agribusiness Expo at the Delta Hotel in Fargo on Dec. 2-3. The event includes program speakers, business meetings and a


The North Dakota Agricultural Association will host the Annual Agribusiness Expo at the Delta Hotel in Fargo on Dec. 2-3. The event includes program speakers, business meetings and a trade show of over 75 exhibitors providing products and services to the agricultural industry.

A social hour is scheduled for Monday afternoon in the trade show and a complimentary lunch will be provided to attendees on Tuesday. Agribusiness Expo schedule ADVERTISEMENT Monday, Dec. 2: 10 a.

m. to noon, trade show set-up 1 p.m.

, trade show opens 3:30 to 5 p.m., social hour with hors de oeuvre’s- trade show 5 p.

m., trade show closes Tuesday, Dec. 3: 9 a.

m., trade show opens 10:30 to 11:45 a.m.

, "Understanding EPA’s Herbicide & Insecticide Strategies," Rebecca Perrin, U.S. EPA Region 8 agricultural adviser Noon to 1:15 p.

m., complimentary lunch 12:30 to 1:15 p.m.

, NDAA annual meeting 2 to 3:15 p.m., "Maintaining A Domestic Supply of Food and Fuel for A Free Future," Trent Loos, radio personality and agricultural advocate 5 p.

m., trade show closes The association is governed by a 12-man board representing the areas of plant food, crop protection, seed and equipment from around the state. Current association officers, directors, and staff, who are all from North Dakota, are: Carter Medalen, Rugby, president; Jason Dannelly, Fargo, vice president; Jeff Dixon, Casselton, secretary-treasurer; directors Chris Alberty and Ken Deibert, West Fargo; Mark Dooley, Fargo,; Calvin Ihry, Thompson; Joe Killoran, Tower City; Chris Wharam, Grand Forks; Brad Steffes, Bismarck; and Kylen Kostrzewski, Crystal; and executive directors Stu Letcher and Jessica Rust, both Fargo.

The NDAA office address is 2417 North University Drive, Suite A, Fargo..