Angela Rose: Positive outcomes with myofascial release

I have a client who fractured her pelvis in three places. She had a skiing accident and it’s been almost 2 years. She has been in agony, and she’s been debilitated by the loss of mobility, the pain, she’s been...


I have a client who fractured her pelvis in three places. She had a skiing accident and it’s been almost 2 years. She has been in agony, and she’s been debilitated by the loss of mobility, the pain, she’s been struggling, and has felt at a loss, without much hope.

She’s been to physical therapists, another myofascial release therapist, all have helped, although when she described the levels of pain she had to go through during these treatments, there was an incredible amount of pain as they dug into places that were holding and not letting go. She has had five Myofascial Release Treatments with Presence Centered Awareness Therapy with me. In treatments we are working with light to moderate pressure with little to no pain during treatments.

Her mobility has improved dramatically and her pain has gone down considerably. She is considering what exercise routine she will begin to incorporate because she feels ready for a physical practice. She came in and showed me she’s able to lift her leg up to put on her shoe, she was able to balance on one foot and lift the other leg, she was even showing me her hula hoop moves.

She’s overjoyed. She’s getting her life back with MFR and PCAT. She expressed that the effects of the work I offer are so pronounced because of how I hold her.

She feels like the layers are melting away on multiple levels because she is able to express all of it, that she is held not only physically, she can express and release emotions, mental patterns and fee her spiritual body come alive. So she can be her whole self, she can cry, she can laugh, she can be strong, vulnerable. She can be with it all, and I hold her in loving reverence, that helps her feel seen, witnessed, comforted, not alone.

She talked about how I guide with just the right words at the right time, so as not to drive or control or problem solve, but to gently point to exactly the part of her that is capable of healing, to be with the parts that need healing, and to anchor in the space that loves wholeheartedly. Love heals. I see results like this everyday with MFR.

I am so grateful to be offering this work to my clients. I get to help real people get out of their pain patterns, to heal, release, to let go of old beliefs, to feel safe again, to experience more joy, to feel, heard, seen, held. Did I say safe? It’s incredibly important that we feel safe.

Oftentimes with injuries no matter how old the injury or trauma was, the tissue at a cellular level still feels afraid, unsure, stuck in a memory of a time that keeps cycling through and is not safe. The tissue needs help to remember its origin of wholeness, and it takes time and care, presence and observation. To be with what is occurring and find out what this part of you needs to be at ease.

And that’s what I do, I listen. I offer the tissue a consistent presence, as I bring the tissue to where it wants to be, I listen to the tissues, and the tension patterns unravel, because the tissue leads and I follow. When there is listening, the body already knows where home is, it unwinds and we find the center together.

This way your body begins to more accurately produce a better, more accurate map of where the true center is. Your body deserves to be attended to. I can help you find out what you need to finally let go.

I have a client who has come in with an uncontrollable tremor in her hand, it has been making her arm, hand and fingers weak. She had been diagnosed with Parkinson’s by the first doctor she saw, and was very concerned at the level of care this doctor was giving her. She didn’t get attended to in a way that made her trust her doctor had even thoroughly examined her.

She has not believed the diagnosis, and does not want to have this condition, understandably. I have been treating her with MFR, and PCAT. Her pelvis has been in her torsion, and the rib cage has also been in torsion with her pelvis.

These cross diagonal twisting affects the spinal cord and can interrupt the healthy relay of the nervous system. At her mid back her spine has deviated from the center which weakens the strength in the arms, the arms have atrophied and one side more than the other and the shoulder is chronically medially rotated. This affects the arm position and her motor response in her hands.

She has had 4 sessions. She went into another doctor who showed her considerable care and is running tests and checking her out at a level that she feels grateful for. She feels like she’s in good hands and much more systematically relaxed now that she has found a good doctor who is a neurologist.

She told him she feels that her symptoms are subsiding with Myofascial Release. She showed him the tremor and told him it was nearly gone. She has been recognizing that these symptoms are a way of her body trying to get her attention, to influence her choices and she is choosing to listen deeply to her body, and her body is positively responding.

She has been caregiving to her family, and has quite a lot of grief. She has been tending to herself and recognizing how she was overdoing what she was giving to others, while neglecting her own needs. As she is taking care of herself, and getting treated with MFR which is self care, her nervous system is settling.

When people have a shake or tremor in their hand, or have any symptom that is observable especially to others it can be embarrassing, it can cause anxiety, and it can also stem from it. So each time there is the shaking it can be like a feedback loop where these two anxieties can keep looping and exacerbate these symptoms. It is so important to work through these emotions, and the deeper emotions to be with them, to be in the part of us that is ok, even when these things are occurring.

When we can anchor in the non dual, we base in a space that is unassailable. All pervasive love, when we center our presence in awareness, nothing is too great. When we offer this to our body, to all of ourselves, this is what heals.

Myofascial Release is a gentle highly effective form of bodywork that releases restrictions in your muscular fascial system. These restrictions can have a pressure per square inch of up to 2000 lbs, this can be like an internal straight jacket. Fascial tension is created and worsened by postural and spinal deviations like scoliosis, trauma and injury, surgical scars, bone fractures and breaks, joint replacements, ligament tears, repetitive movement patterns, joint compression.

If you are experiencing fascial restrictions you may feel pain, immobility, sore, tired, low energy, you may fatigue easily, there may be knots, adhesions, cysts, hard lumps, deep pain, pain that moves to different places. Your fascia is your connective tissue, it ranges in density from the interstitial fluid to the density of your bones, it’s all fascia. All these fascial layers have membranes- barriers, boundaries that want respect and need to be held intact in order to keep the order of operations.

And they need the interstitium to hydrate and bathe the cells. New research highlights the important role of the interstitium: interstitial fluid that is an important function of fascia to influence and inform the cells, as the cells inform the fascia. So not only is fascial wrapping each cell it bathes each cell, it holds the integrity of each cell and if the fascia becomes dehydrated it can create too much tension and can cause cellular disfunction and actually change cells and the sensitive structures of the veins, arteries, neurons etc.

You have 28-36 trillion cells, all of which are wrapped and bathed in your fascia. In order for your system to be functioning at its prime you want your fascia to be hydrated, to be fluid and flexible, strong and pliable. Able to carry the loads and tension in a positive relationship with itself, and you.

MFR releases fascial restrictions and unwinds chronic pain patterns so you get back to doing the activities that you love..