Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan’s divorce rumours have been grabbing headlines for long time now. As the fans wait for the couple to break their silence, an old video of Jaya Bachchan talking about her relationship with Aishwarya is going viral. In an earlier interview with NDTV Good Times, Jaya Bachchan said that there’s a difference between a a daughter and Daughter-in-law and explained the nuances of her bond with Aishwarya Rai saying ‘she’s not my daughter.
’ View this post on Instagram A post shared by Bollywood ORRYginals (@thebollywoodorryginals) Jaya said, “There is a difference between a daughter and a daughter-in-law, you know. I mean, I don’t know why, but you don’t feel you don’t need to respect your parents. As a daughter, you take your parents for granted.
With your in-laws, you can’t do that, And later on, things change – because today, I feel more a Bachchan than a Bhaduri.” Jaya Bachchan also talked about her parenting style and revealed that she is ‘very strict’ with Abhishek Bachchan, Shweta Bachchan. However, when asked if she is strict with Aishwarya Rai as well, the actress replied, “Strict? She’s not my daughter! She’s my daughter-in-law.
Why should I be strict with her? I’m sure her mother has done that for her." This is not the first time that Jaya Bachchan had been talking about Aishwarya Rai. During her appearance at Karan Johar’s Koffee With Karan, Jaya Bachchan said, “The minute Amitji sees her, it’s like he’s looking at Shweta coming home.
His eyes light up. She fills the vacuum that Shweta left. We have never been able to adjust that Shweta is not in the family.
It’s tough.” While Aishwarya Rai is currently away from films since her last release in 2023, however, Abhishek Bachchan’s I Want To Talk has finally hit theatres. The film helmed Shoojit Sarkar.
The actor also has Shah Rukh Khan-starrer King in the pipeline wherein he will be playing the role of a villin. The film helmed by Sujoy Ghosh, is set to also star Suhana Khan and release next year. The DNA app is now available for download on the Google Play Store.
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Amid Aishwarya Rai-Abhishek Bachchan divorce rumours, Jaya Bachchan says 'not my daughter' in viral video
Jaya Bachchan's old video talking about her relationship with Aishwarya Rai goes viral amid Aishwarya-Abhishek divorce rumours.