Ambassador Hovenier: US proud of role in supporting Kosovo’s development

US Ambassador to Pristina Jeffrey Hovenier said his country is proud of its role supporting Kosovo’s development.


Podeli : US Ambassador to Pristina Jeffrey Hovenier said his country is proud of its role supporting Kosovo’s development. Speaking at an event to mark the 25th anniversary of the National Democratic Institute (NDI) in Kosovo, Hovenier said he wanted to provide a reminder of the United States government position on Kosovo as it is important that there be no misunderstandings or misrepresentations of the US position. “In 2008 the United States recognized Kosovo as a sovereign, independent state.

We did so on the basis of firm commitments from the authorities of Kosovo that they would implement fully the Ahtisaari Plan to establish a democratic, multiethnic, and inclusive state. That position is unchanged and firm,” said the US ambassador. Therefore, he said, the US does not give credence “to efforts to call into question the status of Kosovo or its institutions.

” “Kosovo’s Constitution is legitimate, and we’re proud of the role we played in supporting its development. The institutions of Kosovo are legitimate, and again – we are proud of our support in helping establish and consolidate those institutions, including with assistance from NDI and many other partners,” said Hovenier. “But I also want to reiterate a related and key point – the promise of Kosovo is as a sovereign, independent, democratic, and multiethnic state, with particular protections for its minority communities.

Again, we are proud of the role we have played with our partners to advance this vision. And we continue to call on the current government of Kosovo to be a more committed partner in working with us and other members of the international community to see this vision realized – that Kosovo enjoys a society in which all citizens live in conditions of dignity and security – including Kosovo’s ethnic Serb citizens,” he said. In Pristina, these messages were interpreted as a response to recent statements made by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic during his public address regarding Kosovo and his demands for a return to the status quo ante.

“I want to reiterate that the United States of America is equally proud of how the American people, including through NDI, have supported the people of Kosovo establish and maintain a sovereign, democratic state and advance in their inevitable trajectory to take their place within Europe – including in European institutions such as the EU and NATO,” said Hovenier..