All the cute canines they can muster

Free-to-air TV highlights March 7-13


People like this show because they like working dogs. Full stop, end of story. or signup to continue reading So, sorry if you're a person who appears on this show - or any of its earlier spin-offs.

No-one is tuning in to look out for you. Not even your mother. The first season of focused on a group of kelpies being trained to round up animals.

It proved to be quite popular (because, like I said above, people like dogs) so they made a second season - pretty much exactly the same but with border collies swapped in. So what would they do for a third season? Well, put the kelpies and collies up against each other and see who comes out on top. Yes, there is a winner but no-one really cares about that.

They're just watching because of the cute dogs. Giant concrete busts of US presidents are perhaps one of the more unusual things people throw away. The big heads were part of Presidents Park in Williamsburg, Virginia, which someone figured would reel in the tourists.

Well, it didn't and so when the owner closed it down he told people to destroy the heads. Instead, one of the investors cracked open each head, attached a steel cable and lifted them one by one onto his truck. He lined them up on his own property in a rather haphazard state, hidden from the nearby highway by overgrown weeds.

And they suddenly became a tourist attraction - even with the cracked-open heads. This poor family seems rather determined to revisit the trauma of being held at gunpoint in their own home by a guy on the run. By my count they've told their story on two different TV shows.

For their sake, let's hope the other show was more exciting. Most of this episode is built around actors, with cuts to the family and the cops describing what happened. The re-enactments are so dominant it's hard to work out why they didn't just make a one-hour dramatisation and forget about the commentary crosses.

If you're going to appear on please, please, don't try to match it with host Tom Gleeson. He does funny for a living. The odds are against you.

You'd think people wouldn't need this explained to them. Just like you'd expect those who appear on reality TV to know that the edits will not be kind. Of course they made you look awful - that's what they do! But I digress.

We were talking about contestants and their delusions of grandeur. This week, it's Brendan (special subject: Monty Python) who decides to match wits with Gleeson. Is the audience laughing with him or at him? I feel sorry for the kid.

I'm an award-winning senior journalist with the Illawarra Mercury and have well over two decades' worth of experience in newspapers. I cover the three local councils in the Illawarra for the Mercury, state and federal politics, as well as writing for the TV guide. If I'm not writing, I'm reading.

I'm an award-winning senior journalist with the Illawarra Mercury and have well over two decades' worth of experience in newspapers. I cover the three local councils in the Illawarra for the Mercury, state and federal politics, as well as writing for the TV guide. If I'm not writing, I'm reading.

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