All Small Business perks and how to get them in The Sims 4: Businesses and Hobbies

As part of The Sims 4: Businesses and Hobbies, players can now open up their very own Small Business right off their home lot. Owning a Small Business is hard work, and you’ve got to pay attention to everything if you want to be successful. As part of running a Small Business, your Sim will slowly begin to unlock more perks as the business gains renown and levels up. These perks will align with either the Neutral, Dreamer, or Schemer alignments, affecting who comes to visit you during your opening hours. All Small Business Perks in The Sims 4There are five different small business perks available for each alignment within The Sims 4. The first perks you’ll unlock at one-star have three additional tiers each, making a total of 21 perks. Each perk costs one Perk Point to unlock. You’ll unlock more perks as you increase your renown and reach the five Small Business levels:Level 1: Hopeful HustleLevel 2: Striving StartupLevel 3: Neighborhood GemLevel 4: Community StapleLevel 5: Local LegendThere are two types of Small Business Perks in The Sims 4. Most Perks are active, meaning that you’ll need to actively select them from an interaction to make use of them. However, a select few are Passive. Passive Perks will run in the background, either permanently or until they are forcibly deactivated.Dreamer Small Business Perks in The Sims 4Image by DestructoidPerks that go well with the Dreamer alignment are found on the left side of the Small Business Perks pop-up window closest to the Stork. Here’s all of the perks and what they can do for your Sim and their Small Business:Perk nameWhat it doesUnlock levelActive or PassiveInspiring Business StorySims can share their Small Business journey to inspire others and build relationships.Hopeful Hustle(Level 1)ActiveEmployee BonusSims can give a bonus to their employees, which will temporarily fulfill their needs if successful.Striving Startup(Level 2)ActiveChug the WUTANTSims can drink the special WUTANT drink, which will boost their energy and slow down the rate at which their needs decay.Neighborhood Gem(Level 3)ActiveCustomer Appreciation DayWhen you open the business using this perk, all goods, services, and entrance fees will be entirely free. Bad for money making, but great for customer experience.Community Staple(Level 4)ActiveBarteringCustomers at the small business can sometimes pay with rare collectibles rather than Simoleons.Local Legend(Level 5)Passive(Can be deactivated at Business Sign, Ticket Kiosk, or Computer)Neutral Small Energy Perks in The Sims 4Image by DestructoidNeutral Small Business Perks are those in the middle, and will keep you on the default path for a Small Business. That doesn’t make them any less useful, though, and they’re worth thinking about if you want to bridge the gap between Dreamer and Schemer.Here’s all of the Neutral Small Business Perks and what they do:Perk nameWhat it doesUnlock levelActive or PassiveLeave a Tip?Customers can sometimes leave a little extra tip on top of the cost of their purchase. The more tiers of this Perk you unlock, the higher the tips.Hopeful Hustle(Level 1)PassiveGoing ViralSimfluencers will visit the Small Business, generating a buzz. This will increase customer satisfaction, earning more positive reviews. The more tiers of this perk you unlock, the more buzz is generated.Striving Startup(Level 2)PassiveMuscle MemorySkills used while the Small Business is open will increase more quickly. Neighborhood Gem(Level 3)PassiveInvest in SimoCoinSims can use a computer to Mine SimoCoin, possibly earning a lot of Simoleons in the process.Community Staple(Level 4)ActiveIrresistable ScentWhile the Small Business is open, an irresistible scent will spread across the premises, causing customers to stick around for longer. Cannot be active alongside Ultrasonic Whistle.Local Legend(Level 5)Passive. (Can be deactivated at a Business Sign, Ticket Kiosk, or Computer.)Schemer Small Business Perks in The Sims 4Image by DestructoidSchemer Perks are those on the right-hand side of the Small Business Perks pop-up window, on the side of the Raccoon. Here’s what they all do, and at what level you can unlock them:Perk nameWhat it doesUnlock levelActive or PassiveSway to BuySims can persuade customers to buy items set out for sale. Sim will become embarrassed if this fails. Hopeful Hustle(Level 1)ActiveFake PaymentsSims can submit fake payments for both bills and staff salaries. Fines will be issued if your Sim is caught doing this. Striving Startup(Level 2)ActiveWhite-Collar RobberySims will gain the ability to swipe objects regardless of skills or traits, even from restricted areas in competing Small Businesses.Neighborhood Gem(Level 3)ActiveFire StarterSim gains the ability to “accidentally” start fires, allowing them to cash in on insurance pay-outs.Community Staple(Level 4)ActiveUltrasonic WhistleThe Small Business will have a small hidden device that regularly plays a high-pitched noise to scare away loitering customers, while allowing new ones to enter.Cannot be active alongside Irresistable Scent.Local Legend(Level 5)Passive(Can be deactivated at a Business Sign, Ticket Kiosk, or Computer.)The post All Small Business perks and how to get them in The Sims 4: Businesses and Hobbies appeared first on Destructoid.


As part of The Sims 4: Businesses and Hobbies, players can now open up their very own Small Business right off their home lot. Owning a Small Business is hard work, and you’ve got to pay attention to everything if you want to be successful. As part of running a Small Business, your Sim will slowly begin to unlock more perks as the business gains renown and levels up.

These perks will align with either the Neutral, Dreamer, or Schemer alignments, affecting who comes to visit you during your opening hours. All Small Business Perks in The Sims 4There are five different small business perks available for each alignment within The Sims 4. The first perks you’ll unlock at one-star have three additional tiers each, making a total of 21 perks.

Each perk costs one Perk Point to unlock. You’ll unlock more perks as you increase your renown and reach the five Small Business levels:Level 1: Hopeful HustleLevel 2: Striving StartupLevel 3: Neighborhood GemLevel 4: Community StapleLevel 5: Local LegendThere are two types of Small Business Perks in The Sims 4. Most Perks are active, meaning that you’ll need to actively select them from an interaction to make use of them.

However, a select few are Passive. Passive Perks will run in the background, either permanently or until they are forcibly deactivated.Dreamer Small Business Perks in The Sims 4Image by DestructoidPerks that go well with the Dreamer alignment are found on the left side of the Small Business Perks pop-up window closest to the Stork.

Here’s all of the perks and what they can do for your Sim and their Small Business:Perk nameWhat it doesUnlock levelActive or PassiveInspiring Business StorySims can share their Small Business journey to inspire others and build relationships.Hopeful Hustle(Level 1)ActiveEmployee BonusSims can give a bonus to their employees, which will temporarily fulfill their needs if successful.Striving Startup(Level 2)ActiveChug the WUTANTSims can drink the special WUTANT drink, which will boost their energy and slow down the rate at which their needs decay.

Neighborhood Gem(Level 3)ActiveCustomer Appreciation DayWhen you open the business using this perk, all goods, services, and entrance fees will be entirely free. Bad for money making, but great for customer experience.Community Staple(Level 4)ActiveBarteringCustomers at the small business can sometimes pay with rare collectibles rather than Simoleons.

Local Legend(Level 5)Passive(Can be deactivated at Business Sign, Ticket Kiosk, or Computer)Neutral Small Energy Perks in The Sims 4Image by DestructoidNeutral Small Business Perks are those in the middle, and will keep you on the default path for a Small Business. That doesn’t make them any less useful, though, and they’re worth thinking about if you want to bridge the gap between Dreamer and Schemer.Here’s all of the Neutral Small Business Perks and what they do:Perk nameWhat it doesUnlock levelActive or PassiveLeave a Tip?Customers can sometimes leave a little extra tip on top of the cost of their purchase.

The more tiers of this Perk you unlock, the higher the tips.Hopeful Hustle(Level 1)PassiveGoing ViralSimfluencers will visit the Small Business, generating a buzz. This will increase customer satisfaction, earning more positive reviews.

The more tiers of this perk you unlock, the more buzz is generated.Striving Startup(Level 2)PassiveMuscle MemorySkills used while the Small Business is open will increase more quickly. Neighborhood Gem(Level 3)PassiveInvest in SimoCoinSims can use a computer to Mine SimoCoin, possibly earning a lot of Simoleons in the process.

Community Staple(Level 4)ActiveIrresistable ScentWhile the Small Business is open, an irresistible scent will spread across the premises, causing customers to stick around for longer. Cannot be active alongside Ultrasonic Whistle.Local Legend(Level 5)Passive.

(Can be deactivated at a Business Sign, Ticket Kiosk, or Computer.)Schemer Small Business Perks in The Sims 4Image by DestructoidSchemer Perks are those on the right-hand side of the Small Business Perks pop-up window, on the side of the Raccoon. Here’s what they all do, and at what level you can unlock them:Perk nameWhat it doesUnlock levelActive or PassiveSway to BuySims can persuade customers to buy items set out for sale.

Sim will become embarrassed if this fails. Hopeful Hustle(Level 1)ActiveFake PaymentsSims can submit fake payments for both bills and staff salaries. Fines will be issued if your Sim is caught doing this.

Striving Startup(Level 2)ActiveWhite-Collar RobberySims will gain the ability to swipe objects regardless of skills or traits, even from restricted areas in competing Small Businesses.Neighborhood Gem(Level 3)ActiveFire StarterSim gains the ability to “accidentally” start fires, allowing them to cash in on insurance pay-outs.Community Staple(Level 4)ActiveUltrasonic WhistleThe Small Business will have a small hidden device that regularly plays a high-pitched noise to scare away loitering customers, while allowing new ones to enter.

Cannot be active alongside Irresistable Scent.Local Legend(Level 5)Passive(Can be deactivated at a Business Sign, Ticket Kiosk, or Computer.)The post All Small Business perks and how to get them in The Sims 4: Businesses and Hobbies appeared first on Destructoid.
