The highly anticipated Hollywood film Agent Guy 001, directed by David Andersson, is all set to make its way to Telugu audiences on January 31st. Produced by Erik Andersson, the film features an engaging screenplay by Baltazar Plateau and David Andersson. The movie will be released in Telugu under the banner of Deepa Arts, with P Srinivasa Goud as the producer and P Hemanth as the associate producer.
The film, which promises a thrilling ride, is an action-packed adventure that fans of the James Bond franchise are sure to enjoy. The trailer, already released in Telugu, reveals a gripping plot filled with political drama and high-stakes battles for power. Major fights for the mayor's seat and intense action sequences suggest that Agent Guy 001 will deliver the excitement viewers crave.
The film's production values shine through in the trailer, giving audiences a glimpse of the quality they can expect on the big screen. Anton Cloud Jumper Gustin has provided the music, while Dennis Andersson served as the production designer, and Anton Carlsson worked as the cinematographer. With an impressive cast including Baltazar Plateau, Anton Sjolund, Milton Bjornegren, Knut Westbacka, and Omar Myrza, Agent Guy 001 looks set to be a captivating watch.
Fans can look forward to the action, adventure, and intrigue when Agent Guy 001 releases on January 31st across both Telugu states..
All set for Hollywood dubbed ‘Agent Guy 001’ release in Telugu
The highly anticipated Hollywood film Agent Guy 001, directed by David Andersson, is all set to make its way to Telugu audiences on January 31st.