Alito, Thomas, and a Death in Georgia

I can only assume you two, as educated people and justices, have the ability to conduct “what if” scenarios in your approach to a problem. What did you think was going to happen when you sent the abortion question back to the states?I have to assume you explored the possibility that women would die due to your decision. The history of state bans on abortion before Roe V. Wade; the Christian and Evangelical make up of many state legislatures; the violent actions taken against abortion providers; the known dangerous complications of pregnancy; the difficulty and risk of making medical decisions about a termination; all of these things were known to you at the time of your decision. You ignored them. Given my assumption you are educated people with the ability to conduct “what if” scenarios, I can only find one reason you made the decision you did: An arrogant desire for power and influence.You sold your soul to the people who stroked your ego, gave you gifts, and welcomed you into their particular club. You really want to be part of this club and not everyone can get in. To be part of it you must be arrogant to the extreme and willing to let the end justify the means. You have to believe it’s your way, or the highway, all the way.And now, a confirmed death in Georgia of a young women with a six-year-old son and her whole life ahead of her. She died because she could not have her uterus scraped out when she needed to. You knew your rich and influential friends had given you the means by bringing this case, so you used it to get to an end, and that end is the death of this fine woman, and a life without a mother for her son.That is blood on your hands, and on the hands of every justice who killed Roe V. Wade. You and your rich friends will rationalize it isn’t your fault, or their fault. It’s the hospital’s fault, but mostly, it’s the women’s fault. After all, they will say, and you will parrot them, it was her choice to get pregnant. She never should have opened her legs if she didn’t want a child and she should not have had the abortion in the first place.Know this: You can’t hide what has happened from the women of this country. Unlike you, they have the courage to predict a “what if” scenario and they don’t want their sisters, mothers and daughters to continue to die, or be maimed, due to your arrogance and cowardice. They loathe you and your ilk, and they’re going to vote like schools of fish in this election.So, sit there on the bench and pretend to feel smug. Just remember, with every death, the blood will drip off and land in pools at your feet, just like it would from a hemorrhaging uterus.


I can only assume you two, as educated people and justices, have the ability to conduct “what if” scenarios in your approach to a problem. What did you think was going to happen when you sent the abortion question back to the states? I have to assume you explored the possibility that women would die due to your decision. The history of state bans on abortion before Roe V.

Wade; the Christian and Evangelical make up of many state legislatures; the violent actions taken against abortion providers; the known dangerous complications of pregnancy; the difficulty and risk of making medical decisions about a termination; all of these things were known to you at the time of your decision. You ignored them. Given my assumption you are educated people with the ability to conduct “what if” scenarios, I can only find one reason you made the decision you did: An arrogant desire for power and influence.

You sold your soul to the people who stroked your ego, gave you gifts, and welcomed you into their particular club. You really want to be part of this club and not everyone can get in. To be part of it you must be arrogant to the extreme and willing to let the end justify the means.

You have to believe it’s your way, or the highway, all the way. And now, a confirmed death in Georgia of a young women with a six-year-old son and her whole life ahead of her. She died because she could not have her uterus scraped out when she needed to.

You knew your rich and influential friends had given you the means by bringing this case, so you used it to get to an end, and that end is the death of this fine woman, and a life without a mother for her son. That is blood on your hands, and on the hands of every justice who killed Roe V. Wade.

You and your rich friends will rationalize it isn’t your fault, or their fault. It’s the hospital’s fault, but mostly, it’s the women’s fault. After all, they will say, and you will parrot them, it was her choice to get pregnant.

She never should have opened her legs if she didn’t want a child and she should not have had the abortion in the first place. Know this: You can’t hide what has happened from the women of this country. Unlike you, they have the courage to predict a “what if” scenario and they don’t want their sisters, mothers and daughters to continue to die, or be maimed, due to your arrogance and cowardice.

They loathe you and your ilk, and they’re going to vote like schools of fish in this election. So, sit there on the bench and pretend to feel smug. Just remember, with every death, the blood will drip off and land in pools at your feet, just like it would from a hemorrhaging uterus.
