Malaika Arora, who faced life-changing events (not in a good way) in 2024: the loss of her father, Anil Arora and her breakup with Arjun Kapoor after seven years of relationship, has shared a note of what this year has taught her. Taking to her Instagram stories, Malaika shared a note, which read, “I don’t hate you, 2024, but you were a difficult year, full of challenges, changes, and learning. You showed me that life can change in the blink of an eye and taught me to trust myself more.
But, above all, you made me understand that my health—whether physical, emotional, or mental—is what really matters. There are things I still can’t understand, but I believe that with time, I will understand the reasons and purposes of everything that happened." In October, Arjun Kapoor confirmed his breakup at an event during the promotion of Singham Again while interacting with a paparazzi and declared, “ Nahin ab main single hoon, relax karo (No, I am now single.
Relax). Malaika Arora recently reacted to Arjun Kapoor’s remark and said it’s the actor’s prerogative. “I will never choose a public platform to talk about my personal life.
So, whatever Arjun has said is entirely his prerogative,” said Malaika while talking to ETimes. In one of the interviews, Malaika shared how being financially independent is as important as keeping finances separate from partners after marriage. “Independent rakho baba (Be independent).
Jo tera hai voh tera hai, jo mera hai voh mera hai (What is yours is yours, and what is mine is mine). I mean, when you get married or you’re with someone, you try to infuse..
. you know, try to fuse a situation where you want to make everything one. But I feel it’s very important to have your own identity,” Malla told while talking to Curly Tales.
After breakup with Arjun Kapoor, Malaika Arora says ‘2024 taught her to trust herself more’: 'There are things I still can’t...'
In October, Arjun Kapoor confirmed his breakup with Malaika Arora at an event during the promotion of Singham Again while interacting with a paparazzi