Advice: My wife is unhappy we’re not having sex. After 27 years, it’s a bit late now

Telegraph: Tips for a man whose wife wants to rekindle their sexual relationship.


Advice columnist Rachel Johnson has tips for a man whose wife seeks to rekindle their sexual relationship – despite spurning him for decades Q. My wife has withheld sex from me for 27 years. After a few years of being punched and kicked trying to initiate sex, I gave up and found relief outside my marriage with a string of mistresses .

Now that she is about to retire, she announced that we should begin having sex again. As much as I admit that it could be good for our marriage, it’s been way too long and so I have no desire to have sex with her. Actually I’m a bit p***ed off that she’d have the nerve to ask.

I told her this but she just shrugged it off. The other night, she tried to initiate sex, but since I have erectile dysfunction (ED) , nothing happened, and I felt relieved. For the last 27 years, we’ve lived as companions, and I have made peace with that, honouring her desire not to be physical with me.

But now, she seems unhappy that we are not having sex. Any advice? – Anonymous.