Throughout history, there has been an increase in the global population. The population growth was accompanied by an expansion in the infrastructure that people needed, such as spaces for manufacturing facilities, for residences, and for workplaces. There has to be an abundance of natural resources available to fulfill their aspirations and desires.
During the late 1700s, there was a significant shift from handicraft and agrarian economies to manufacture centered on machines and industry. This period, known as the Industrial Revolution, lasted for several centuries and brought about significant advances in technology and social transformation. As a result, development of industrial sector and agricultural sector has been occurring after 18th century in response to requirements of thepeople.
Figure-1: Industrial Revolution at the end of the 18th century (Source of image –} With the start of the Industrial Revolution at the end of the 18th century, the economy began to transition from one centered on agriculture to one focused on automated, mass production of manufactured goods.Due to the increasing demand after aforementioned revolution in 18th century the process of development occurred related to relevant sectors respectively, increasing the production and income without much concerning the environment.
The primary way that the industry contributes to climate change is through the emission of greenhouse gases. In addition to energy consumption, the manufacturing processes also contribute to these emissions. Aquaculture, forestry, and the production of crops and livestock for both food and non-food use are all considered forms of agriculture.
The concept of sustainability explored a new scenario providing a better stage for developmental activities with the norms and ethics focused on the sustainability of the environment.Sustainability is the ability of our society to exist and develop without depleting all of the natural resources needed to live in the future. In June 1992, at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, more than 178 countries adopted Agenda 21, a comprehensive plan of action to build a global partnership for sustainable development to improve human lives and protect the environment.
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015. There were 17Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries (developed and developing) in a global partnership. Figure- 2: Environmental, social and economic dimensions of the Sustainability (Source of image – https://www. Environmental sustainability is the responsible use of natural resources to ensure these resources will be available for the future generations. If a development activity is economically viable, environmentally bearable and socially equitable that type of development is identified as Sustainable development (Figure -3).
Figure -3: Pillars of Sustainability (Source of image – Sustainable Environmental Management Sustainable Environmental management is the management of the interaction and impact of human societies on the environment ensuring that they can support and sustain present and future generations.
During the process of Sustainable Environmental Management, it concerns about the Sustainable Resource Management as well. Sustainable resource management, which attempts to preserve natural resources for future generations and stop their decline, includes the wise use of these resources. We have to maintain a balance between the needs of current and future generations in order to address the environmental, economic, and social problems caused by resource depletion.
Figure- 4: Effects of Sustainable Resource Management (Source of image –
html Sustainable ResourceManagement maximizes social benefits, minimizes environmental impacts and maintains long term use of resources. It aims to identify the factors that impact the fulfillment of needs as well as resource protection. It attempts to ensure that ecosystem services are maintained for future human generations and to maintain ecosystem integrity by considering ecological, economical, and ethical considerations.
Therefore,even to mitigate climate change, sustainability must be there during the process of environmental management. The significance of sustainable resource management is being acknowledged more and more in different sectors, including agriculture, urban planning, and industry, since these areas have been identified as significant sources of greenhouse gas emissions. Sustainable agricultural interventions Examples of sustainable agriculture practices that help maintain soil health, use less water, and reduce reliance on chemical pesticides and fertilizers include conservation tillage, crop rotation, appropriate terracing, adopting biological pest control methods, introducing drought-resistant crops, introducing polyculture with legume plants that enrich soil instead of monoculture, applying SALT technique (Sloping agricultural land technology) for sloppy areas, and organic farming.
Figure- 5: Sustainable agricultural interventions (Source of image – When participating in agriculture-related activities, these protocols ensure long-term productivity and environmental health.
Sustainable urban development interventions By establishing green spaces, improving public transportation systems, and enforcing green building standards, cities are embracing sustainable practices during urban development. Sustainable urban development makes use of appropriate soil conservation techniques and the implementation of sustainable landscaping technologies. Keeping a canopy of plants helps improve air quality, reduce the urban heat island effect, and use less energy for air-conditioning.
Thus, sustainable urban development interventions provide sustainable solution for climate change as well. Sustainable industrial interventions Industries are adopting renewable energy sources like wind and solar to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and their reliance on fossil fuels because energy optimization is essential in the industrial sector to minimize Carbon emissions. These sustainable industrialinterventions address the issues related to climate change as well.
Figure- 6: Sustainable industrial interventions (Source of image – The idea of green businesses is becoming more and more popular these days.
Persistent climate issues can inspire businesses to adopt eco-friendly practices. The benefits and drawbacks of adopting any sustainable business practices should be carefully considered. In many cases, it makes financial and environmental sense to take into account and address the industry’s carbon footprint as well.
The methods and steps which can be used to reduce the environmental impact of your industrial operations are known as sustainable business practices. Sustainable industrial practices strike a balance between social impacts, environmental stewardship, and economic growth. Employing eco-friendly business practices benefits both the environment and the enterprise.
They increase the effectiveness of operations and could assist in controlling the expenses addressing the precautionary principle and polluter pays principle of sustainable development. The following sustainable interventions play a significant role in mitigating and adopting the issues related to the climate change. 1.
Implementing a recycling program Recycling is one instance of a workplace practice that is environmentally sustainable. Just as crucial as recycling electronics is growing and putting in place a program for recycling paper, plastics, metals, and textiles. One way to encourage staff members to recycle biodegradable waste as an environmentally friendly business practice is to compost organic waste, such as coffee grounds and leftovers from employee lunches.
Recycling your old office supplies is another important way you are supporting the circular economy which has been highlighted in Sustainable resource management. 2. Go digital Going digital reduces paper work and helps preserve forests, which slows down climate change.
By using paperless business practices, waste is decreased, digital transformation is encouraged, efficiency is increased, errors are decreased, and operational measurement and analysis are made possible. Cloud migration improves the scalability and resilience of businesses and it enhances collaboration by giving access to business information at any time and from any location. 3.
Reuse items whenever possible Often, single-use items are a waste. Paper cups can be swapped out for ceramic mugs. Instead of using plastic water bottles, use reusable glass ones.
Reuse damaged cardboard containers and make note paper out of scrap paper to add value to waste. Reusing office supplies, refurbishing furniture instead of purchasing new, and, if possible, adding value to broken or unnecessary items are all environmentally friendly options which can be adopted in office environment. 4.
Encourage remote work Another way to make your business more environmentally friendly is to cut down on the number of miles of employees travel and the amount of electricity they use there. Compared to employees who work on-site, remote workers have a carbon footprint that is up to 58% smaller. Carbon footprint can be reduced by 11-29% if you can adopt a hybrid office/home plan.
5. Conserve energy through wise options Utilizing clean energy, such as renewable energy, energy-efficient lights, upgrading to high-efficiency appliances, such as power-saving devices, utilizing eco-friendly computers, printers, or surge protectors, utilizing high-efficiency appliances, unplugging electronics or turning on the “sleep” feature, performing an energy audit and adjust business’s operating hours are all examples of energy conservation techniques. Figure- 7: Sustainable industrial interventions to mitigate global warming (Source of image -https://www. 6. Use eco-friendly products and packaging For office needs, it is more sustainable to use safe, environmentally friendly alternatives rather than single-use, non-biodegradable products; otherwise, waste packaging will be burned and release greenhouse gases.
7. Limiting water consumption and sustainable use of water Water is a scares resource. Water consumption requires power.
Pumping it into the business, heating it, and cleaning it after use all require energy. Reducingthe unlimitedwater use is a great way to help the environment and itreduces the emission of Carbon dioxide which is known as Green House Gas. Programs for employee commuter benefits have proven successful for certain businesses.
Involving the employees in energy-saving techniques and involving customers in sustainability may yield some of the best ideas and it promotes community participation for mitigation of the issues of climate change. Inventiveness of the community and willingness to act is highlighted Industrialists can give them the freedom to share their thoughts and involve them in novel procedures through the CSR projects (such as tree planting which contribute to reduce global warming, waste management, engaging in self-employments using byproducts of the industry). Signs about workplace sustainability can help to engage staff members, and rewarding their eco-friendly interventions can inspire them.
Engagement of the community in sustainable interventions is essential to a sustainable future free from climate change-related problems. The community has an obligation to protect the environment in their daily activities since they are accountable for their current behavior. In addition to taking steps to prevent open burning of plastic and polythene as well as burning tires by community, industrialists must use green practices to stop emitting greenhouse gases.
Natural ecosystems will be protected through the use of green practices and everyone benefits from a neighborhood that is healthier and more aesthetically pleasing.People must be educated and made aware of these insights in order to act both individually and collectively and make wise decisions that will benefit society and the environment. Images and Information sources of internet are highly acknowledged P.
B.Hemantha Jayasingha Director General Central Environmental Authority.
Adopting eco-friendly strategies to combat climate change
Throughout history, there has been an increase in the global population. The population growth was accompanied by an expansion in the infrastructure that people needed, such as spaces for manufacturing...The post Adopting eco-friendly strategies to combat climate change appeared first on Sunday Observer.