Bijnor/Meerut: The gang that held 'Welcome' actor Mushtaq Khan hostage had also reached out to actor Shakti Kapoor, offering him Rs 5 lakh to attend a similar event but the deal fell through due to a high advance request. This was revealed by the police as it announced the arrest of four members of the gang that kidnapped Mushtaq Khan. Police are now investigating whether the gang was involved in the kidnapping of other film stars.
Khan, best known for his performances in Hum Hain Rahi Pyaar Ke and Welcome, was picked up from Delhi airport by a cab driver on November 20 and transferred to another vehicle between Meerut and Delhi, and held captive at the home of a known criminal. "During his captivity, the kidnappers took Mushtaq Khan's bank account details and password. On the night of November 20, the accused consumed alcohol and slept.
The following morning, Mushtaq Khan managed to escape and reached a mosque in Mohalla Chahshiri, where locals contacted his family and helped him return home," the police said. The kidnappers withdrew ₹ 2.2 lakh from Mushtaq Khan's bank account while shopping in Meerut and Muzaffarnagar, the officer said.
The gang reached out to Mushtaq Khan with an offer to perform at an event in Meerut. On October 15, they sent an advance payment of ₹ 25,000 and an air ticket to invite Mr Khan, the complaint said. Upon arriving at the Delhi airport on November 20, Mushtaq was received by a cab driver who took him to a famous 'shikanji' shop between Meerut and Delhi.
There, Khan was forced into another vehicle and taken to the home of Lavi, a criminal involved in the case, police said. The arrested gang members have been identified as Sarthak Chaudhary, Sabiuddin, Azim, and Shashank. Police have also recovered ₹ 1.
04 lakh from their possession. Efforts are on to track down the remaining members of the gang, including Lavi. Get Latest News Live on Times Now along with Breaking News and Top Headlines from Entertainment News and around the world.
Actor Shakti Kapoor Was Also On List Of Gang That Kidnapped 'Welcome' Actor | Details
Mushtaq Khan was picked up from Delhi airport by a cab driver on November 20 and transferred to another vehicle between Meerut and Delhi, and held captive at the home of a known criminal.