On April 25, a driver was ambushed and assaulted. The perpetrators documented their actions and sent messages detailing what had happened. Actor Darren Wang himself reportedly forwarded these images to friends, boasting about the incident.
What started as a controversy over evading military service has now escalated into something far more serious for actor Darren Wang (Wang Ta Lu). On March 4, Taiwanese media outlet ETToday revealed that the popular star is under investigation for attempted murder – an unexpected development that has left fans stunned. The controversy initially revolved around Wang allegedly forging medical documents to avoid mandatory military service in Taiwan.
However, as prosecutors dug deeper into the case, they stumbled upon something even more disturbing. According to a fresh report from SETN, this chain of events traces back to April 2024, when Wang reportedly called an Uber from his residence on Da’an Road in Taipei City, intending to pick up something from his registered address on Ren’ai Road. The ride-hailing service sent a Tesla, but Wang was apparently displeased with the car’s quality, believing it didn’t meet his expectations.
His dissatisfaction soon escalated into an altercation with the driver. Things took a darker turn when Wang, still fuming over the experience, allegedly sought help from a wealthy friend, who then contacted gang-affiliated individuals to “teach the driver a lesson." Later that month, on April 25, the same driver was ambushed and assaulted.
The perpetrators even documented their actions taking photos and sending messages detailing what had happened. Wang himself reportedly forwarded these images to friends, boasting about the incident. At the time, the driver, who had filed a police report, had no idea who was behind the attack.
The case remained unresolved for months. It wasn’t until authorities confiscated Wang’s phone during the military desertion investigation that they discovered incriminating messages and photos, directly linking him to the attack. Even more damning was footage showing the injured driver after the beating, filmed by the assailants themselves, reports Koreaboo.
With this evidence in hand, the New Taipei City Prosecutor’s Office launched an official probe into the attempted murder case. Working alongside the New Taipei City Criminal Police Department and Yonghe Police Station, authorities carried out searches and arrested Wang on suspicion of instigation, along with a man surnamed You, believed to be one of the attackers. Investigations are still ongoing to identify additional accomplices.
While the driver’s physical injuries were reportedly minor, the presence of threats and intimidation has led prosecutors to classify the case as attempted murder..