The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has filed two separate cases against Ziaul Ahsan, former director general of the National Telecommunication Monitoring Center (NTMC) and a major general in the army who was sacked after August 5, and his wife Nusrat Jahan on charges of acquiring illegal assets worth Tk 41 crore and engaging in suspicious transactions totalling Tk 340 crore through 12 bank accounts. The cases were filed with the ACC's integrated district office in Dhaka-1, confirmed ACC Director General (Prevention) Md Akhtar Hossain today. Ziaul has been accused of amassing illegal wealth amounting to Tk 22.
27 crore. The ACC also found suspicious transactions of Tk 120 crore across his eight bank accounts. His wife, Nusrat Jahan, was accused of acquiring illegal wealth worth Tk 18.
59 crore, alongside suspicious transactions amounting to Tk 222.50 crore through four bank accounts. The charges against the couple include violations of Section 27(1) of the ACC Act 2004, Section 5(2) of the Prevention of Corruption Act 1947, and various provisions of the Money Laundering Prevention Act 2012.
The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has filed two separate cases against Ziaul Ahsan, former director general of the National Telecommunication Monitoring Center (NTMC) and a major general in the army who was sacked after August 5, and his wife Nusrat Jahan on charges of acquiring illegal assets worth Tk 41 crore and engaging in suspicious transactions totalling Tk 340 crore through 12 bank accounts. The cases were filed with the ACC's integrated district office in Dhaka-1, confirmed ACC Director General (Prevention) Md Akhtar Hossain today. Ziaul has been accused of amassing illegal wealth amounting to Tk 22.
27 crore. The ACC also found suspicious transactions of Tk 120 crore across his eight bank accounts. His wife, Nusrat Jahan, was accused of acquiring illegal wealth worth Tk 18.
59 crore, alongside suspicious transactions amounting to Tk 222.50 crore through four bank accounts. The charges against the couple include violations of Section 27(1) of the ACC Act 2004, Section 5(2) of the Prevention of Corruption Act 1947, and various provisions of the Money Laundering Prevention Act 2012.
ACC sues Ziaul Ahsan, wife over amassing Tk 41 cr of illegal assets
The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has filed two separate cases against Ziaul Ahsan, former director general of the National Telecommunication Monitoring Center (NTMC) and a major general in the army who was sacked after August 5, and his wife Nusrat Jahan on charges of acquiring illegal assets worth Tk 41 crore and engaging in suspicious transactions totalling Tk 340 crore through 12 bank accounts