Abrosexuality Meaning: What Is Abrosexual? How Is It Different From Being Pansexual? Know About the Emerging Sexual Fluid Identity Where Attraction Shifts Through Genders

Recently, a sexual orientation that is lesser known but deeply significant has gained prominence after a UK woman has talked about it. The 30-year-old, Emma Flint, shared her journey of self-discovery as an abrosexual. In this article, we'll detail you about abrosexual and its meaning.


Sexuality is a complex and multifaceted subject of human identity, and with society growing to be more inclusive, people are adopting the language to express the intricacies of their experiences. Recently, a sexual orientation that is lesser known but deeply significant has gained prominence after a UK woman has talked about it. The 30-year-old, Emma Flint, shared her journey of self-discovery as an abrosexual.

She stated that she was unaware of the term, however, on discovering its meaning, she could relate to it and find recognition and validation. We at LatestLY , have curated a detail about what abrosexual means, how being abrosexuals look in practice and how it is different from pansexuality. What Is Abrosexual? Abrosexual is a term that refers to sexual orientation, characterised by fluidity in sexual attraction.

This means that the feelings of attraction of an abrosexual person may change over time. For instance, one day, they may feel attracted to a certain gender while on another day, that feeling may change, shift, or fade away. This fluidity can happen over a long period or very quickly.

Besides, the changes in attraction are necessarily not predictable. Moreover, it may also happen that an abrosexual person may experience attraction with multiple genders, only one gender, or none at all. The sexual attraction can ebb and flow depending on time, experiences, or personal factors.

This sexual orientation is different from bisexual or pansexual, as abrosexual specifically involves the shifting nature of attraction. Abrosexual is one of more than 100 terms used to label sexual identities. It falls under the umbrella of multi-sexuality, which includes people of all identities who are romantically or sexually attracted to more than one gender.

How Abrosexual Is Different From Pansexual? One of the questions that commonly arises is how abrosexual differs from pansexual. Although both sexual orientations are inclusive and involves attraction to more than one gender, abrosexuality particularly refers to the fluid nature of attraction. A abrosexual person at times, be pansexual and sometimes heterosexual or asexual.

However, a pansexual person is attracted to people regardless of their gender, and this attraction remains constant. Abrosexuality involves a changeable pattern of attraction that can shift over time, from being attracted towards one gender to multiple genders, while pansexuality emphasises the consistent ability of being attracted to people of all genders. Examples of How Abrosexuality Can Look in Practice Attraction Towards Different Genders: An abrosexual person might feel strongly attracted towards men one day, and then the attraction may slowly shift towards women the next day Changing Preferences for Multiple Genders: Abrosexual people may experience attraction to people of all genders.

However, after several weeks, they may realise that the attraction has narrowed to just one specific gender. Periods of Minimal Attraction: At times, Abrosexual people may feel little to no sexual attraction at all, only to find months later that they are developing sexual feelings for people across various gender identities. Shifts in Sexual Orientation: You might be heterosexual, but after some years, you may begin to feel sexual attraction towards your own gender.

If you identify as a heterosexual man, you may later discover, after a few years, that you're beginning to feel sexual attraction toward other men. Abrosexuality highlights the diversity of sexual identities and the fluidity that exists in human attraction. Although it is a lesser-known term, more individuals are embracing this label to describe their experiences.

For abrosexual individuals, their sexual orientation is valid and deserves the same recognition and respect as others. (The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 09, 2024 01:28 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.

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