A Very Royal Scandal, review: Maitlis’s version of Prince Andrew scoop is a bad episode of The Crown

The Newsnight interview drama shows royal family life in all its dysfunction.


REVIEW Amazon’s dramatisation of the Newsnight interview between Emily Maitlis and Prince Andrew shows Royal family life in all its dysfunction. Welcome to Emily Maitlis: The Movie . Well, to be accurate, A Very Royal Scandal (Amazon Prime Video) is a three-part TV series, but you get the idea.

A dramatisation of her famous Newsnight interview with Prince Andrew , the tone is summed up by a US interviewer who says to Maitlis: “Tell us, Emily, how does it feel to take down a member of the monarchy?” This is the second recreation of the 2019 encounter that proved so disastrous for the Duke of York, and it definitely feels like one too many. Why are we seeing this again when anyone who wants to revisit the actual interview can do so on YouTube? Who cares about the planning meetings and the editing and Maitlis worrying about what to wear (she decides on trousers and “sexy heels”)? The first drama, Netflix’s Scoop , was adapted from a memoir by Newsnight booker Sam McAlister and made her the plucky heroine. A Very Royal Scandal is executive produced by Maitlis, and poor Sam barely gets a look-in.
