Despite the sorrow, it was good to celebrate lives of two NI greats...
and personal friends Ken Reid Ken Reid would have loved it. Even amidst the sadness of his funeral, I know us UTV types who were gathered in Ballymena had a wry smile on our faces at a clergyman’s comment, though Ken’s friends and rivals from the BBC weren’t quite so amused. The Rev Andy Moore, the curate from St Patrick’s church, paid tribute to his late parishioner and observed that he had grown up watching Ken on the TV, especially around the time of the Good Friday Agreement.
A sad farewell to two giants of broadcasting, Ken Reid and Big T
Ken Reid would have loved it. Even amidst the sadness of his funeral, I know us UTV types who were gathered in Ballymena had a wry smile on our faces at a clergyman’s comment, though Ken’s friends and rivals from the BBC weren’t quite so amused.