A little history on Floral City's museum

Here’s a little history about Floral City’s history museum. The building was constructed in 1965 and originally housed the Floral City Volunteer Fire Department. The volunteer firefighters did much of the construction work on the building and had to come...


Here’s a little history about Floral City’s history museum. The building was constructed in 1965 and originally housed the Floral City Volunteer Fire Department. The volunteer firefighters did much of the construction work on the building and had to come up with various fundraising ideas to help pay for it.

One particularly memorable money-making event was the infamous donkey-ball game in which participants played basketball while riding donkeys that were trained to react to different whistles. There was much confusion and laughter and many a rider was sent flying off his noble mount during the game. Javascript is required for you to be able to read premium content.

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