800website.ae: 16 years of expertise in building secure, high-performance websites for businesses worldwide


In today's digital age, a website stands as a company's most valuable asset. With over 16 years of experience in web and app development, as well as UI/UX design, 800website.ae has established itself as a trusted leader in creating websites that are not only visually captivating but also secure, fast, and user-friendly.

Having supported over 200 businesses in optimizing their online presence, 800website.ae's expertise continues to fuel success for companies looking to enhance their digital strategies. In a recent interview, Moka, the man behind 800website.

ae explained how his background has been integral in creating the total approach to website and app design and development. "The success of a website or app is not just about looking great; it's also about its functionality," said 800website.ae’s owner.

The e-commerce merchant balances aesthetics with usability, converting a website from just a simple online brochure into a powerful tool for generating leads and boosting sales. As Moka, one of the key challenges businesses face is balancing exceptional design with optimal performance. Many organisations focus heavily on creating an appealing appearance while neglecting crucial aspects like speed and security.

800website.ae addresses this issue with a comprehensive, multi-layered strategy. For website security, this includes the implementation of firewalls, SSL certificates, and regular updates.

To ensure optimal speed—a critical factor in retaining users and improving SEO—800website.ae utilises image compression and content delivery networks (CDNs). To discover how 800website.

ae can help take your business to the next level, take the first step in transforming your digital strategy by reaching out to them today. Follow this link to find the full interview..