5 areas of your home that are most vulnerable to pest infestations

From rats to ants, there are five areas in your home that are most vulnerable to pest infestations, according to a property expert.


With a variety of pests roaming in the wild here in the UK, there are plenty of creatures we’d rather not have in our gardens or homes for one reason or another. However, there are five areas of properties in the UK that are more vulnerable to pest infestations, according to a property expert. Factors that make a space in your home more vulnerable to pest infestations include space, darkness, temperature and leftover food .

Property expert Joshua Houston at Household Quotes has shared the five areas that are more prone to infestations from the likes of rats, wasps, ants and more. Wasps can build nests on the outside of homes (Image: Getty) 5 areas of your home that are more vulnerable to pest infestations Garden Gardens can house many pests with rats and mice often building their nests in overgrown areas. For this reason, homeowners with a garden should ensure that their garden is well looked after.

Wasps can also build nests in trees, on the outside of your home or in the areas close to your fence. Many people also store bins in their garden and if they aren’t secured properly or if they’re overflowing this can attract pests, including rats. Joshua Houston advises that you ensure that the lid is fully shut and there’s little to no chance of the bin falling over.

Native wild animals in the UK Kitchen Pests are also attracted to the kitchen as it’s the area of your home where you cook and prepare food. It’s not uncommon for pieces to fall on the floor which attracts pests looking for an easy meal. To avoid your kitchen being an attractive spot for pests like rats and mice, ensure that all food that is spilt on the countertop or floor is cleaned up quickly, giving pests nothing.

Garage/shed For several reasons, garages and sheds are vulnerable to pests, including mice, rats and ants. Generally, there are more ways for them to be infiltrated, for example, pests could squeeze under the garage door or could get through a hole in a shed's wooden wall. They are also often dark and are used less than other rooms in your property, making them more attractive spots for insects.

You might find plenty of ants that get in under the doors and make their nests in a crack. How to get rid of these common garden pests Loft Like a garage or a shed, a loft offers a dark space that is rarely disturbed by the homeowner. The loft also comes with a lot of hiding spaces for potential pests because it’s full of insulation, boxes and cracks.

If your roof isn’t secured you might also find pests gaining access through little holes. Given the fact most people don’t go into their loft every day, pests could be left to build big nests and cause a lot of damage without the homeowner’s knowledge. Bathroom Bathrooms offer a damp , warm and humid environment which is inviting for cockroaches and silverfish.

Leftover water in the bath or shower can be an ideal breeding ground for these creatures. Also, given we don’t spend much time in the bathroom it allows for these pests to easily multiply. Recommended reading: Professional rat catcher recalls rat coming up a toilet while woman was on loo Garden expert shares how tin foil can help your lawn grow thicker and healthier Homeowners with gardens urged to create hedgehog havens for the colder months Joshua Houston said: ‘’No one wants pests inside their home, so it’s important that you take into consideration the areas of your property that are vulnerable.

‘’The last thing you want is to see a cockroach running up the wall while you’re having a shower. ‘’It’s also not hard to keep some of these pests out of your home, in certain cases it’s as simple as picking up after yourself.’’.