5 000 civil engineers ready to ensure safety standards of dams

AfriForum on Tuesday called on Water and Sanitation Minister Pemmy Majodina to urgently work with more than 5 000 registered civil engineers who work in the South African water infrastructure sector. This followed the Department of Water and Sanitation's (DWS's) comments earlier in the week that... - www.engineeringnews.co.za


AfriForum on Tuesday called on Water and Sanitation Minister Pemmy Majodina to urgently work with more than 5 000 registered civil engineers who work in the South African water infrastructure sector. This followed the Department of Water and Sanitation's (DWS's) comments earlier in the week that it does not have enough inspectors to ensure that safety standards are met at nearly 6 000 dams. There are thousands of engineers across the country who can be reached by the DWS through professional bodies, AfriForum asserts.

However, these valuable engineering skills and...

Creamer Media Reporter.