2024 Safety Report: Milan, Rome and Florence Least Safe Cities in Italy

Crime reports at a national level have risen for the first time since 2013, although most crimes are petty and aimed at tourists


Italy, renowned for its rich cultural heritage and breathtaking landscapes, is a top destination for travelers worldwide. However, while it’s a heavenly destination, it’s not Utopia and crime is a concern there as everywhere else. Milan, Rome and Florence, in that order, are the least safe Italian cities amid a rise in crime, according to an annual crime report from business daily Il Sole 24 Ore out Monday.

The top ten is dominated by tourist cities with Rimini fourth, Turin fifth, Bologna sixth, Prato seventh, Imperia eighth and Livorno (10th). Surprisingly, Naples, which has a reputation of being a “gritty” city, came in at 12th, dropping out of the top ten while Venice enters the list at 9th. Crime reports at a national level have risen for the first time since 2013 with a 3.

8% rise last year compared to 2022 with homicides, assaults, grievous bodily harm and robberies leading the way, according to the 2024 Criminality Index of the paper. Rome, the storied “Eternal City,” is a tourist delight, but it does experience pockets of higher crime rates, mostly petty offenses aimed at tourists. Areas and residential zones near landmarks such as the Vatican City and Pantheon are considered secure.

The city’s Safety Index stands at 46.91, indicating a moderate level of safety, with a high Health Care Index and a very high Climate Index, enhancing the overall quality of life. Milan, Italy’s fashion and financial capital, is not without its safety concerns, as is true for Florence, the jewel of the Renaissance, another city where safety is often discussed.

Tourist attractions can be a magnet for petty crimes such as pickpocketing and tourists and residents alike are always warned to be vigilant..