10 Recent Movie Rumours That Were Total Bull

The scuttlebutt about these 2024 movies was WAY off the mark.


As film fans, who among us doesn't love immersing ourselves in the rumour mill and seeing what tasty scuttlebutt is doing the rounds about the biggest upcoming movies? It's great fun to scour social media for apparent "leaks" and "hot tips" on what we might get to see in new films, and even if it all turns out to be a load of baloney, it's a blast to consider the what-ifs. And over the past year, these 10 movie rumours were by far the most buzzed-about and feverishly discussed, for better or worse. Whether they left fans excited or filled them with nothing but dread, each of these 10 rumours ultimately turned out to be pure bunk - nothing more than fanciful speculation, or perhaps even wishful thinking, from online spectators.

In some cases it's most certainly a relief that things didn't go this way, though in others it might actually have been better than what we ended up with in the movie proper. Either way, despite many of these rumours seeming totally logical and believable, none of them panned out in the end. And so, no matter how plausible the online chatter might seem, there's always the possibility you're being fed pure lies.

.. 10.

Robert Downey Jr. Has A Cameo - Deadpool & Wolverine Rumours swirled in the months leading up to Deadpool and Wolverine's release that the film would feature a cameo from Robert Downey Jr.'s Tony Stark in some capacity, and if any film could bring the actor back for a cute, possibly meta cameo that didn't undermine Stark's demise in Avengers: Endgame, it'd surely be this one, right? And so, it was easy to believe that Marvel Studios had dumped a truckfull of cash on RDJ's lawn and secured his services for a brief appearance, but alas, it wasn't to be.

Early in the film, we do see Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) have a meeting with Happy Hogan (Jon Favreau) in 2018 where he pitches joining The Avengers, only to be turned down. Tony Stark, who obviously was alive at this point in time, is nowhere to be seen, though according to the film's co-writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, the original version of the script did indeed have Tony in the office with Happy. But Downey ultimately turned the cameo offer down, which Reese and Wernick surmise was likely because he was already locked in to play Doctor Doom in the upcoming Avengers: Doomsday.
