10 policies Republicans could use to pay for new tax cuts

Extending all of the 2017 tax law could add close to $5 trillion to the national debt. To offset the cost, Trump and Republicans are considering these policies.


Advisers to President-elect Donald Trump and congressional Republicans have begun floating proposals to boost federal revenue and slash spending so their plans for major tax cuts and new security spending won’t further explode the $36.2 trillion national debt. That historic tide of red ink is raising concerns that major new borrowing could send federal interest payments soaring, slow economic growth and spike inflation.

But with most of Trump’s 2017 tax cuts set to expire at the end of 2025, the GOP plan to extend the law could increase the debt by close to $5 trillion over the next decade. (Nonpartisan scorekeepers project that Trump’s entire campaign platform would add up to $15 trillion to future borrowing.).